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Process Development

Research has focused on developing processes to produce colloids with superior physical properties using techniques heretofore unknown in the industry.

Process development has involved the use of advanced scientific principles in physics, chemistry and quantum mechanics.

CSL processes have been developed with the emphasis on the continuous production model rather than the more typical batch process model. Many electrochemical techniques used to produce metal colloids are batch processes which means that the product is produced in batches of a fixed amount, for example, 10 gallons.

CSL has succeeded in developing proprietary processes that produce metal colloids whose particle size is dramatically smaller than any known to exist previously. The processes developed at CSL simultaneously produces very small particles and a high percentage of particles vs ions. Particle size is especially important because the resulting increase in particle surface area promotes a higher reaction potential with the metal particles which directly relates to effectiveness.

CSL pioneered in the development of low ionic/high particulate silver colloids by producing colloids that are nearly devoid of ionic content. The high quantity of particles combined with their small size provides the most desired combination of properties. This set of properties produces the highest particle surface area for a given concentration.